A simulator to boost embedded software productivity

Intro This is an idea I've had for quite a while and have created limited-scope versions for a few customers. The idea is that developing software (any software) is challenging and often frustrating. Developing software for embedded devices is often much more challenging and frustrating. The extra time spent waiting for edit/compile/run cycles and more limited tooling hurts productivity. The simulators I've created allow you to work on Arduino projects as native MacOS/iOS projects. (Photo of an old iPhone running my simulation of a Guition ESP32-2432S028R) What's the benefit? Using the Apple tools, specifically Xcode and Instruments, I'm able to run/debug/profile my code much quicker and with a much friendlier set of tools. For my own work, the productivity boost has been tremendous. My Arduino imaging and video codecs ( JPEGDEC , JPEGENC, PNGDEC, PNGENG, AnimatedGIF, pl_mpeg, TIFF_G4, G4_ENC) were all written, debugged and profiled on the Mac as a native MacOS app. It...