Practical animation on I2C SSD1306 displays
Intro I can hear the thought forming in your head already, "Why write another blog post about those ubiquitous little OLED displays, isn't this old news already?" It's a valid question, and there have been plenty of articles and libraries written for these displays over the last 6+ years. It's still new to me because I just started working with AVR MCUs and all of the common parts in the Arduino ecosystem not too long ago. I still see fun challenges with these parts because I encounter my favorite phrases while searching for projects - "It can't be done" or "That's as good as it gets". In this case, I came across a few new projects which would benefit from some animated graphics on a small, inexpensive display and MCU. The existing projects I found use uncompressed graphics and can only fit a few frames on an ATMega328. What Ideally, it would be great to be able to play animated GIF files right on an Arduino, but there are some insu...