Compressed fonts? Yes please!
Intro This is a brief first look at an idea I've been ruminating on for along time. Actually, it's two ideas - tweaking CCITT Group4 (T.6) image compression and compressing font data for use on microcontrollers. Why do either of these things occupy space in my head? CCITT Group 4 Many years ago, a standard was created for the digital FAX machine. It specified not only the audio transmission method over POTS , but also a new bitonal, lossless digital image compression scheme. The 3rd meeting of these experts (Group3) created a one-dimensional run-length encoding scheme using statistical coding (Huffman) to shrink the most common run lengths for black text on a white background. Not long afterwards, at a 4th meeting, some clever person/people added a 2D component to it to take advantage of similarities between the current line and the one above it. They called this Group 4 compression The compression ratio increased quite a bit (up to 20:1), but so did the complexity of the code...