How much current do OLED displays use?
Those little OLED displays are everywhere, and there's a good reason. They're inexpensive, easy to program and they look good. I wanted to explore how much current they draw so that I can plan better for battery powered projects. Questions I want answered: How much idle current is drawn when the controller is off versus on (blank display)? What's the minimum current to see text indoors? What's the maximum current when all pixels are on at their brightest? How does display size affect current draw? How does active data writing affect current draw? It's obvious they use more, but how much current do grayscale and color OLEDs use? How practical are OLED displays compared to common LCDs for battery powered projects? Materials: Cheap multimeter (manual scale, assumed accuracy +/-10% at worst) Various OLED displays (72x40, 96x16, 128x32, 64x32, 128x64-0.96", 128x64-1.3") Arduino compatible microcontroller ( Adafruit nRF52840 Feather Express ) ...